Nutri Nutrients and Vitamins VIEW is a completely free of charge advanced yet easy-to-use application for searching food products for specific nutrients and vitamins (no functional limitations). The program allows you to search for specific food products in various ways: by using a filter in which we select the 3 most important nutrients for us (with the max or min option), by searching by associating it with the basic effect on the human body or by searching by name or group of food products. Nutrient information is sourced from the recognised and widely used USDA National Nutrient Database.The program is not a typical and another calorie counter. The main goal is to be able to quickly find a food product that will contain certain nutritional values or have a specific effect on the body (in a positive sense). For example, if you are looking for products that contain a lot of iron and low in fat and carbohydrates, the application is made just for You! You want to further limit your search criteria, e.g. by narrowing the results to a specific group of food products - no problem! And if you find a product that interests you, you can view the full list of its nutritional facts. The App also allows you to save selected products in the clipboard and add up their nutritional values.The program can also be of great help when it comes to dieting by diabetics thanks to the possibility of calculating nutritional exchangers (eg. carbohydrate exchanger).For detailed information please visit our website.The program is not a typical and another calorie counter. The main goal is to be able to quickly find a food product that will contain certain nutritional values or have a specific effect on the body (in a positive sense). For example, if you are looking for products that contain a lot of iron and low in fat and carbohydrates, the application is made just for you. You want to further limit your search criteria, e.g. by narrowing the results to a specific group of food products - no problem! And if you find a product that interests you, you can view the full list of its nutritional values. The program can also be of great help when it comes to dieting by diabetics thanks to the possibility of calculating nutritional exchangers (eg. carbohydrate exchanger).For detailed information check our website.